
What you are looking for is what is looking.

> 当但丁最后直接来到天堂中的上帝面前时,他遇到一束可畏的“永恒之光”,这束光由环航的天使所组成的九个同心圆所包围。但丁完全被这束光所震撼,而只能盯着它,“全神贯注,一动不动,并而热情澎湃。”

----摘自《无尽的爱》Ravindra Svarupa Dasa


radhe radhe radhe shyam
govinda radhe sri radhe

啊,Radhe Radhe,还有美丽的黑皮肤的Shyam(Krishna),神圣的爱侣!我的心离你们还有多远呢?我的岁月,我真正的生命离你们还有多远呢?啊,美丽的Vrindavan,所有超然主义者和神秘主义者向往的土地!

om tat sat

Raga 在说什么?











-- B.K.S. 艾扬格

TADASANA山式的梵文念法是:塔达-萨那,“达”的发音稍稍拉长。TADA是山,ASANA是体位、姿势。简单的说就是立正。在英语中立正的口令是: “Attention!”,意思是“注意了!专心!”这非常符合TADASANA的核心要求。在艾扬格的瑜伽体系中,山式是所有其他姿势的基础和出发点,也被认为是最难的姿势(而不是最容易的姿势)。如果你没有平常心,你很难用心地练习TADASANA山式----很多人甚至不认为这是一个瑜伽姿势,这个看上去简单,其实却无限复杂的姿势。其实每一个瑜伽姿势都可以是无限复杂的,如果我们能够从“一颗沙子中看见一个世界,从一滴水里发现一个天堂”的话(威廉布莱克,英国诗人)。山式的练习就是练习如何处于当下,并同时获得完整性和平衡感。山式中所要遵循的原则几乎可运用于任何姿势,可以说衡量其他姿势的正确性,就是看我们在那些姿势中在何等程度上继续保持着山式所孕育的能量——稳定、清醒、轻快和内在的喜悦(sthira sukham asana《瑜伽经》第二章,46诗节)。所有以下的细微的身体上的要求都是为了把山式(和任何一个姿势)转化为一种内在的冥想,不要把他们看作是苛刻的躯体层面的指令。躯体的运动不是目的,对躯体的觉知和深度的观察才是体位练习的核心,这些细节会协助你。这需要躯体完整的敏感性,这样它才有可能成为灵魂的工具。任何玄之又玄、高深的哲理都得转化成具体的行动,觉悟才能产生。夸夸其谈有什么用呢?虽然也许我们的山式永远不会完美(这又有什么关系呢),但Tadasana却是随时可练习的姿势,你为什么不从现在开始,每当你排队、等车时,好好地练一下你的山式呢?在读下面的内容时,不要光只是读,站起来试一试,感受下真正的山式到底是什么感觉。

双脚大脚趾相触,脚跟微微分离。平衡有问题的人可双脚和臀部同宽。脚踝相触,第二脚趾平行。先抬起脚趾,伸展并铺开脚趾和脚掌下的皮肤。在任何站立姿势中脚趾都不应抓抠地面。 抬脚趾的动作也可帮助保持脚弓提起,防止平足。 让脚底的皮肤和骨点接触地面,你仿佛是在用脚底“盖章”。尽量清晰地感受大脚球,小脚球和脚跟中心的三角支点的概念。重心应该分布在脚跟靠前的部分。从你脚底的皮肤感受你的全身的平衡状况。我们一般倾向于站在脚掌的前端和脚掌的外围。从现在开始试试看,在所有的站立姿势中尝试更多地把重心落于脚跟。做前后左右的摆动的练习以便确定你的重心,然后静止下来,尽量减少晃动。

保持胫骨垂直在脚跟的正上方。感觉小腿上的肌肉裹住腿骨,然后感受大腿四周的肌肉和皮肤上升的感觉。膝盖骨向上提起(收住髌骨周围的韧带,向上,这是需要不断重复的动作)。 如果可以用手指移动你的膝盖骨,说明你没有收紧你大腿正面的肌肉。感觉大腿内侧互相靠拢,然后向会阴方向上升。大腿肌肉向内旋,因为大腿的习惯是懒散地向外转出。

1. 前倾、后仰
2. 左右出现一前一后
3. 左右出现高低

上提胸骨并在每次吸气时向两侧均匀扩张。展宽胸部,展开锁骨。但不要在背后收缩肩胛骨,上背部也要一起展宽。 可练习“艾杨格的肩胸部旋转”:吸气时感觉腋窝向前,肩部的正面向上伸展,肩部顶端后移,呼气时肩胛骨向臀部下沉,如此周而复始。吸气十向上拉长躯干正面的皮肤,从肚脐到锁骨。从躯干的中心拉长到头顶。内部和外部同时伸展。感觉正在创造躯体内部空间。






Let's Chant into the new year!2006最后的唱诵之夜!

Photo: George Harrison, a very serious spiritual seeker among other Beatles, who has a very deep connection with India's spiritual tradition and very fond of chanting the Hare Krishna mantra, is playing a sitar in his late period as a musician.
照片:著名摇滚乐队披头士之一的乔治哈里逊正在弹奏悉塔琴,他被誉为摇滚歌星中最严肃的灵性追求者,和印度的灵性传统有着千丝万屡的关系,而且非常热衷于唱诵hara krishna曼佗罗.

Dear yogi/yogini/friends/teachers/students,


The 2006's last chanting evening will be a special one, as i will arrange my friends Steve Landsberg(sitar player, from US) and Vinod Kumar(tabla player, from India), to perform during our program, please come with your friends and enjoy this evening of spiritual musical vibration, it is my karma yoga so it is FREE to all. Delicious dessert will be served as usual, (because sweet is the TASTE of a Yogi!)make sure you don't miss that!

Looking forward to seeing you then!

om tat sat

Location: Jivatma Yoga Center, Room C-D, 28F, Hui Jia Building,
Xujiahui, No41 Cao Xi Bei Rd(behind Gino Italian Restaurant)
Time: 7pm Saturday, Dec 30th
Contact: 13701839401 Yama

亲爱的瑜伽师/瑜伽尼/朋友/老师和学员, namaste!
2006年末最后的唱诵之夜的特别之处是我邀请了我的朋友Steve Landsberg和Vinod Kumar在我们唱诵的节目中表演!他们将组成一个悉塔琴和塔布拉鼓的双人演奏组合.请和你的朋友一起来参加这个充满灵性音震和能量的夜晚.这个节目是我对大家的服务和karma yoga. 和往常一样,会在休息时给大家派发美味的甜点,因为甜食正是瑜伽师的食物!


om tat sat


Tadasana/samasthiti/mountain pose

"You want to stand on your head and you don't even know how to stand on your feet."

-- B.K.S. Iyengar

Give your attention to mastering Tadasana from the very beginning of your practice. Practice Tadasana in every line you have to wait in, at the grocery store, in the ticket line at the theater, etc. All the points learned from Tadasana should be applied in each of the other asanas. In each pose, keep asking yourself, "Is there Tadasana in this body part, in this body part," and so on.

Occasionally precede Tadasana with a thorough foot massage. You have to do this to understand its benefit. Practice interlacing the fingers of one hand with the toes of your opposite foot all the way up to the webs of your fingers and toes. If this is difficult at first, practice it often.

The Tadasana of the feet and ankles
Always begin Tadasana by placing your feet. Place your feet so that your great toes and inner heels are touching. You can also do the pose with your feet hip width apart if balance is difficult. Pull your ankles together so that your inner ankles touch if your anatomy permits. Your second toes should be pointing forward and be parallel.

Lift and lengthen the soles of your feet from the middle of the arch of your foot forward on the floor or sticky mat. As you do this, spread all of your toes wide. Lengthen your toes forward as you spread them apart. Never scrunch up or grip the floor with your toes in any of the standing poses.

Then lengthen each foot from the middle of the arch back through your heels. After lengthening the soles of your feet both forward and back, broaden them side to side, even though this may be more of a feeling than a movement. Try to feel your feet widen as much as possible from the centers outward. Maximize the contact of your feet with the floor or sticky mat. Notice that this is not the same as gripping the floor with your feet or toes. Allow your feet to be soft. Lengthening and broadening them does not mean tensing them.

Cut the outer ankles in. Lift the inner arches of your feet. If that action is difficult, you can get the flavor of it by raising your toes up and spreading them which will also lift the inner arches. Then try to maintain that feeling even as you place your toes back on the mat. Another useful exercise to get the feeling of lifting the inner arches is to loop a belt across the dorsum (tops) of your feet and then bring it under both feet and up along the insides of the feet. You then pull it upward with your hands. Press through the four corners of your feet and feel the lift of your inner arches.

Bring equal weight to all four corners of each of your feet. Feel the weight of your body sink into your feet to flatten them and make them heavy. Feel the skin of the soles of your feet. Is each part of that skin touching the ground equally? In Mr. Iyengar's language, your feet should be "stamping."

Instead of the "four corners" of the feet, we also sometimes use the analogy of a tripod, taking our weight evenly to each of the three places:
(1) the mound of the big toe (head of first metatarsal)
(2) the mound of the little toe (the head of fifth metatarsal)
(3) and the center of the heel (or the inner heel)
In Tadasana our tendency is often to shift our weight more into the balls of our feet and we need to bring it back into the heels with conscious effort. Our weight should fall around the anterior part of our heels and not in the frontal feet hardly at all. Feel the weight of your body in the bones of your legs (right down through your heels), not in your groins and not in the front of your thighs. With your weight mainly on your heels see how the skin on the bottom of your foot, near the mound of your toes is free to open more. Geeta Iyengar says if the bottoms of the feet go even a little wrong the spinal muscles and the muscles of the pubic region also go wrong. Stand with as little movement as possible, watch the skin on the bottom of your feet, and see how much knowledge it can give you throughout your body.

In general, try to bring your weight a little more into your heels in all of your standing poses to draw yourself a little more into the back of your body since we usually tend to work too much from the front of our body. This is true even in daily life while standing in a line -- ask yourself are you more on the balls of your feet with your hips out in front of your feet and your torso sagging? Or can you draw your weight back a little more into your heels and be in the back of your body as much as you are in the front and lift your torso evenly from the front, back, and both sides? Try this and observe how other people stand in daily life.

There is a tendency to allow our weight to fall to the outsides of our feet and let them roll outward. Resist this by a strong inward action of your inner ankles, lifting the outer ankles to achieve this. Don't be on the outer or inner foot, bring yourself as much as possible to be centralized on the bottom of each foot. As much as you lift your outer ankles, lift your inner ankles upward equally. As you lift your ankles, lift the arches of your feet as well.

Experiment with shifting your weight back and forth slightly between each foot in order to feel more clearly the point where your weight is equally distributed between them. In any asana it sometimes helps to move deliberately out of alignment or balance to feel more clearly what it feels like to be in alignment or balance.

The Tadasana of the legs
Make sure each shinbone is exactly balancing over its heel. Take your weight onto your heels by shifting the weight of your body and taking your shins back and moving the front of your thighs toward the backs of your thighs. Especially move your inner thighs back, pulling your groins back a little but having the feeling of softening or "hollowing" them. Do not harden your groins.

Firm the muscles of your legs into your bones on all sides, both in your lower legs and in your thighs. Have the feeling of "hugging" your bones with your muscles strongly. As you squeeze your muscles inward, also feel as though you are squeezing them upward into your pelvis, particularly on all side of your thighs. Lift your hamstrings toward your buttocks. Lift your inner thighs toward your inner groins (the place where your legs meet your pelvis). Lift the front of your thighs toward your front groins and draw them back into your femurs. Lift your outer thighs toward your hips. Lift not only your muscles but your skin as well. Squeeze your inner thighs together. Just keeping your inner thighs together and not stretching your legs strongly as described is wrong Tadasana.

The action of firming and lifting your quadriceps (front thigh) muscles should also raise your kneecaps. Lift your kneecaps strongly upward and also feel as though you are drawing the tops them into your knees somewhat. Open the backs of your knees strongly so there would be no space there if you put a block up against the skin. Feel the skin at the back of your knees stretch both vertically and horizontally. All vertical actions should be accompanied by expanding horizontal intelligence as well.

In any pose where your legs are kept straight, you should lift your kneecaps. You may find that you have to keep "recharging" this action, pulling up your kneecaps each time they fall. This is a good indication that you are human. In all the standing poses, remember, if you can wiggle your patella (kneecap) with your fingers, you are not engaging your quadriceps. Raise the inside and outside of your knees equally. Lifting your kneecap is not the same as pushing your knee back and hyperextending your knee. Hyperextension of the knee is when the top of the shinbone moves back further than the bottom of the thighbone. Lifting your kneecaps and the front of your thighs (quadriceps) in fact helps to ensure that you do not hyperextend your knees. Lifting your kneecaps involves tightening your quadriceps, not squeezing your kneecaps into your knees by tightening the muscles around your kneecap. Get the feeling of both of these and ingrain the former. The latter leads to hyperextension.

Your upper calves should press forward toward your shinbones rather than bowing back in order to move your shinbone slightly forward away from your heels. You should maintain enough weight in the area of the balls of your feet to feel this forward moving action of your shins. This action will also help prevent hyperextension of your knees. Remember, while your thighs are drawing strongly back, resist forward with your upper calves and upper front shins to keep your legs straight. This type of leg action may be called "Tadasana legs" or "Uttanasana legs" and is also found in other poses like Trikonasana. However, the leg/knee action of Adho Mukha Svanasana is quite different.

To reiterate, there should be no heaviness in your calves. Feel how easy it is to just press them back? To just "rest on your calves" in Iyengar parlance? Your calves and buttocks are partners who both move forward while being resisted back by your knees and internal thighs and groins moving back. The movement of the calves forward is slight, but you must feel it.

Take the tops of your thighs back somewhat so they are directly above your ankles. Draw the front skin of your thighs back into your quadriceps muscles, which draw back into your thighbones, which draw back to press against your hamstrings which are drawing forward.

In Tadasana, the tendency is for our thighs to roll lazily outward. This is a common tendency in many poses. You will probably need to roll your thighs slightly inward to ensure that the front center line of each thigh is facing directly forward. This involves internally rotating your legs so that you are taking your inner thighs back more than your outer thighs. Note that rolling your front thighs inward and rolling your rear upper hamstrings outward are part of the same action and augment each other. Even though you're rolling your thighs inward, take your inner calves toward each other but allow your inner calf muscles to go back more. Move your inner heel skin toward your outer heel skin and turn the back of each calf to follow that movement.

Remember that these leg actions are performed (with some variation) consistently in all of the standing asanas.

The Tadasana of the pelvis, hips, and torso
As you are drawing your thigh bones backward, draw your tailbone (sacrum) underneath and forward. Lift your pubic bone upward toward your chest. You want your coccyx bone moving both downward and forward, but the heads of your thighbones (femurs) moving back. This tucking of the tailbone also applies to poses such as plank pose (where it is resisted by the rising thighs) and Caturanga Dandasana -- both of which are just variations of Tadasana really.

The buttocks in Tadasana and any other pose do not squeeze together toward each other. Instead, they engage forward into the sacrum. Tucking your tailbone under is a spinal action that begins by lengthening your lumbar spine. It is not a buttocks-squeezing action. You tighten and engage the top half of your buttocks, but not the lower half -- do not contract your anus. Again, do not squeeze your buttocks together. The tucking-under pelvis of Tadasana is everywhere in yoga. It is used in Trikonasana, Parsvakonasana, Virabhadrasana, and other poses.

Lengthening your lower back helps you to move your sit bones toward your heels, your sacrum forward, and your hip points upward. Note these are three parts of the same action.

A good summary of the three primary actions of the pelvis, hips, and thighs in this pose would be:
(1) Rotate your rear thighs outward (front thighs inward) to make space for your pelvis to tuck underneath
(2) Tuck your pelvis under into the space created (which you may also think of as lifting your frontal hip points)
(3) Compact your hips inward to seal those actions.
So, after you have established the pelvic actions, compact your hips, draw them toward each other. Draw them and your outer thighs together and hold it all in one place. But do not let that cause you to squeeze your buttocks together.

Level your pelvis in all three possible planes: front to back (so that your pelvis is neither tipping forward into the "swayback" position nor tipping back and allowing your low back to round), side to side (so that one hip is not higher than the other), and rotationally (so that your hips are square to the front). This action is also particularly important in Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana and other standing poses where the extension of the legs in various directions tends to pull the pelvis away from its neutral position. Lengthen both sides of your torso from your hips upward toward your armpits. Feel as though your torso is lifting upward off your hips, out of your pelvis.

Lift your side ribs both forward and upward. If you look at a skeleton, you observe that most of your ribcage is in the front of your body. Only the spine belongs to the back of the body. Show that in your posture. Lift your sternum toward the ceiling and expand it side to side. Whenever we lift or open the chest, we actually want to lift the manubrium (bone above the sternum) upward while we lower the xiphoid process (bone below the sternum) downward toward the navel. Draw the skin overlying your front ribs away from your sternum. Broaden your chest and collar bones. Press the skin of your back in toward your sternum to assist these actions. Project your shoulder blades through the front of your chest. Opening your chest is always an action that is done primarily with the muscles of your upper back. However, do not make the common mistake of squeezing your shoulder blades toward each other to open your chest. You must broaden your upper back as much as you broaden your chest and collar bones.

One direction given in Iyengar parlance to help establish the proper movement in the chest is to "Circularize the armpit chest." The "armpit chest" refers to the sides of the chest just underneath the armpits. The image of circularization is used to explain that this area of the chest should be moving forward while the front of the chest should be moving upward while the shoulder itself is moving backward and the back skin of the shoulder is moving downward in a circle to lift and expand the chest. Make this action strong, but don't let it cause your front ribs to jut forward or arch your low back. This action should make the nook off your front armpits and the nook of your rear armpits level with each other. Open the backs of your armpits to the front. The "circularize the armpit chest" action also incorporates taking the shoulder blades forward into chest.

Pull the skin up the front of your torso to lengthen it. Extend up the back of your body as much as the front. Also elongate through the inner core of your body up through the crown of your head. Elongate internally as well as externally. These movements create maximal space within your body. That's what Tadasana is about.

We work on lengthening the front of our torso a lot in yoga, especially in forward bends. But in actuality, in almost all poses the goal is to lengthen all sides of the torso, especially including the area from the bottom of the ribs to the tops of the pelvis on the sides of the torso and the lumbar area. Do not neglect these areas. You should not deliberately firm your abdomen, although it does retain a degree of firmness naturally from the uplifting action in your torso. Do not have it soldier-like tensed.

The Tadasana of the shoulders
Your shoulders should fall naturally down away from your ears and be aligned with your ears in the forward-to-back plane, neither rounding forward, nor being pulled back too strongly in a military-style position. Broaden and separate your shoulders away from each other so you widen your shoulder bones to the sides. Spread your collar bones to the sides and move your shoulders back enough to ensure they are aligned with your ears.

Draw your shoulder blades (scapulae) into your back and down your back toward the top of your rear pelvis while still maintaining space and breadth between them. Also draw your floating ribs in the middle of your back downward toward your rear pelvis. Do not allow these actions to compromise the uplifting of your torso.

Draw the skin on the tops of your shoulders back and downward toward your shoulder blades. Do not tense your shoulders as you do this. Relax them as much as possible. Drop your trapezius skin. As your trapezius skin drops, lift the top of your chest and "circularize your armpit chest" more.

To feel the correct Tadasana of the shoulder blades, sit on a chair with your knees under a table, put your hands underneath the table with your elbows at your sides, and pull the table gently upward with your palms. Remember the shoulder blades belong with the back. If you are lifting your arms overhead (Urdhva Hastasana), though you may extend your arms fully and strongly, do not let your shoulder blades be pulled along out of their correct position down the back. Another way of saying this is to keep your shoulders lowered down away from your ears and the tops of your shoulders and collar bones broad -- do not let your shoulders hug your ears. This is especially important in such poses as Adho Mukha Svanasana.

To understand the feeling of lifting your side ribs and sternum and drawing your shoulder blades down and into your back, extend your arms straight out to your sides and turn your palms upward strongly toward the ceiling (more from the little finger side of your palms than the thumb side). This action will help you create the feeling in your chest and upper back that you should have in virtually every yogasana. This lifting creates space in the torso for breathing deeply. Another good exercise for feeling the correct action of the shoulder blades is to interlace your fingers behind your back, palms up, knuckles toward the floor, and stretch your arms firmly down toward the floor. Feel your shoulder blades pull into and down your back, and raise the top of your skull toward the ceiling to elongate your neck and prevent your chin from jutting out.

Yet another exercise to work on the shoulders in Tadasana is to place your hands on your hips with your elbows pointing straight back to the wall behind you. Then broaden your collar bones and feel how your shoulder blades press into your body and your chest opens. Move your shoulder blades away from each other. So, there are two important actions in this exercise:
(1) your shoulder blades move inward by virtue of the actions you are doing, but
(2) you still maintain space between them.

The Tadasana of the arms
Learn to lengthen both your arms in a relaxed way, fully extending them. As much as your chest moves upward, extend your arms down strongly. Use the resistance of your arms moving down to help lift your chest. However, do not pull your arms down toward the floor so strongly as to pull your shoulders down with tension. Turn your biceps strongly outward in Tadasana, but keep your forearms and palms turning inward so that your palms face your thighs. Have your palms out about six inches away from your thighs. Move your upper arms slightly back.

The classical Tadasana is also done with your arms extended overhead, a posture called Urdhva Hastasana. When you extend your arms overhead and lift them strongly, it aids in the feeling of your torso also lifting strongly. Though you lift with your arms, do not lose the Tadasana of the shoulder blade.

The Tadasana of the neck and head
Look outward at eye level. There is a common tendency to look downward with the eyes in this pose, even though the head is level. Maintain a neutral head position. From a side view, your ear canals should align with the center of your shoulders. Have someone check this visually for you.

Gently press upward through the crown of your head. Lengthen the line all the way up from your sacrum to your head. Be as tall as you can be, like a kid trying to get on a carnival ride he's just a little too small for. As your cervical spine lengthens, you will feel some stretch in your throat, but make sure there is no tension there. Allow your neck and throat to soften.

Lift the back of your head (the base of your skull) away from your neck to lengthen your neck. Keep your neck long on all sides without tension.

Your face, eyes, tongue, and throat areas should remain soft, as in all asanas.

From The Brad's Iyengar Notebook




We shall not cease from exploration
and the end of all our exploring
will be to arrive where we started
and know the place for the first time


T. S. Eliot


我回顾我在这一年中浪费的无聊时间,那些多余的挣扎和愤怒, 欲望的碎片, 放弃内心原则的某些瞬间,对别人习惯性的无礼\冷漠和恐惧,空洞的谎言和傲慢的言说,等等,但我惊异这宇宙仍然平静地容纳着我的卑微,仿佛一个深藏不露的难以察觉的微笑,在苍穹的深处,也在我皮肤表面的每一个毛孔中,每一次呼吸中, 举行着神秘的节庆.

对灵性的追求实际上始于物质快乐幻象的破灭. 物质的本质就是麻木, 麻木的本质就是死亡. 追求物质快乐的手段越先进越成功, 死亡就越是可怖和无法逾越, (死刑犯前夜的宴席越是丰盛,越显示出旭日的悲惨)我们就越是把无私的爱的问题搁置在一边, 因为我们是如此地恐惧, 以至于无暇思考和顾及他人.













摄影:Chandra (小月)



2007年印度之旅由Yama带领,统一办理签证和机票,全程从2月7日至3月8日,也可以只去14天后回来,以学习瑜伽哲学和文化观摩为主,参与者必须同意遵守全程素食的原则。15天游经的城市有,德里、温达文、瑞希凯施,一个月游经的城市再加上,加尔各答、玛亚埔。由于机票位紧张,以付款为准,14天的预付7000人民币,一个月的预付9000人民币。其他需要准备的有:有效期半年以上护照、身份证复印件、六张2寸彩照、三个月以上2万元存款证明原件(领馆不退)、申请表(资料真实)、英文在职证明加盖公章。愿意加入的朋友具体事宜请联系Candra 13817833604。namaste!



Yama:如果有适当的条件,去国外学习当然非常好。我想说的是,瑜伽的练习和进步的核心是找到一个能不断鼓励、激发你的热情的老师。 这是一个非常古老的原则,几乎和瑜伽一样古老,而且这原则不仅限于瑜伽的学习。在印度或瑜伽的文化中,老师被称为“古茹”guru,“gu"的意思是黑暗,”ru"的意思是光明,因此古茹的意思实际上指一个把我们从黑暗带向光明,从愚昧带向知识的人。当然并不是我们的每一个老师都能有资格在我们的生命中起到这样的作用,但至少从文化的古典意义上讲一个真正的瑜伽师就是这样的一个人。我在普内的时候每个学生都称艾扬格为“古茹吉”,Guruji意思是“敬爱的古茹”。我很幸运的是在我生命中我遇到了一个这样的人,他改变了我生命的进程,这意思是说,即便我按照他的方向去努力失败了,我也不是一个平庸的失败者。自从遇见他,我的生命,无论是快乐还是痛苦,都充满了意义和内在的喜悦。他让我觉悟到我们在这世界里所受的任何痛苦都可以被升华为一种净化的力量,并从中获得喜悦的潜质,而死亡则可以是终极意义上的祝福。但前提是我们不能把时间和生命花费在表面的快乐,以便回避和忘却死亡和痛苦。这是问题的关键。真正的瑜伽并不是让你放弃活动和快乐,与世隔绝,而是和培养一种更高的品味有关。《博伽梵歌》中说一个从事瑜伽的人的白天对普通人来说就象是黑夜,而普通人的白天对瑜伽师来说则是黑夜。这意思是说他们虽然生活在同一个世界里,但对事物的视角、感知方式和品味却完全不同。一个制鞋商派了两个推销员去非洲,两个人都给老板发了电报,一个说,这里的人都习惯赤脚生活,没有市场;而另一个说,这里的人都没有鞋穿,这里有最大的市场。后者是一个瑜伽师。也就是说,除非你遇上一个人是以其他方式感受世界和生活的,你不并知道世界和生活原来可以是这样的。我现在所做和能做的一切都是出于我的老师的鼓励和鞭策以及他的榜样,但遗憾的是他已经离开了这个世界,我可以改天再谈这个伤感的话题,虽然我觉得他并没有离开我。

我当初不是为了学瑜伽才出国的。我是为了逃避。当时是我生命中非常黑暗痛苦和彷徨的一段时间,我个人的追求和人际关系都是失败和失望,再加上失业。我是为了逃避我当时精神上的困境才出国的。但瑜伽在我生活中的力量也就是在这个时候显示出来的。现在回想起来,那段日子非常的美丽,我任凭世界把我带到某个角落,然后在那里深刻地反省我自己并为未来的岁月做准备。这需要一个陌生的环境来完成,在这样一个环境里有时我们会比平时更开放地去学习、感受和反省自我,并使心灵变得更富饶。我想任何去国外学习过的人都会有的印象是,外国人的学习方式不知怎么就是和我们从小接受的方式很不一样。有一种无法复制和模仿的东西。中国人是天生聪明而又勤奋刻苦的民族,几乎没有任何技术上的困难可以难到中国人,但这种优势同时又是一种悲哀,中国人因此常常容易沦落为匠人。比如说,国内目前钢琴考级的技术难度远远超过英国的标准,老外看到中国七八岁的孩子弹钢琴看得目瞪口呆,我母亲是钢琴教师,所以这方面我了解。因为中国人愿意苦练,什么苦都能吃。但我们的教育中,几乎没有如何认识和运用心灵的内容。让孩子背些唐诗宋词当然好,但恐怕敌不过麦当劳肯德鸡的广告词。一旦碰上不靠技术,只靠涵养和文化底蕴的领域,这些孩子就找不到北了,这不是他们的错。我们有很多一流的演奏家,但却没有一流的作曲家,没有伟大的有创造力的大师,没有那种靠心灵的力量造成影响的人物。现在的中国的学者、专家、教授不管学术上如何出众,地位如何,他们大都缺乏优雅的气质和高贵的人格魅力。我不知道你注意到没有,这是我们的文化中严重缺乏人文特质的体现,缺乏心灵、性格和智慧。我曾看到一篇文章说现在连大学这样一些应该是象牙塔的地方,也堕落成一个庞大的打工仔培训基地了。从身体的条件讲,东方人、中国人的身体相对西方人要柔韧得多,很适合瑜伽体位的练习,我相信技术上没有什么问题,但现在的中国人的心却非常的浮躁(至少很多上海人是这样)。但瑜伽的目的是唤醒一颗敏感、平和、无私、慈爱、智慧而又超脱的心,而这是技术上再如何苦练都练不出来的,这是一种对自我、他人和环境不断体验、反思和不断觉悟的结果,需要在整体的人文关怀,灵性的氛围和文化环境中慢慢酝酿而成的。不管程度如何,所有练习瑜伽的人都会受益,但瑜伽的核心却只有很少的人才会领悟,因为瑜伽是一种,我称之为“天然的心灵教育”,它对心灵的潜力的认识、开发和转变有着不可思议的力量,旨在让你的身体和心灵都变成一个圣洁的地方。一般的教育只是一种“资讯”的积累,是一种机械的加法,但大都你得自己琢磨如何筛选和使用这些资讯,它们大都覆盖住了我们的灵性本能和知觉潜力,把我们一个个都变成平庸、烦恼和无趣的成年人;但瑜伽要起的效果是做“减法”,你越是少受以前接受的资讯的干扰和覆盖,你便越快进入佳境。一个瑜伽师的心是和儿童类似的,即便他拥有成人的常识和责任,那也不是他的烦恼之源,因为他在不断净化自己的同时,把握住了自己喜乐纯洁的本质,因此也把握住了宇宙的本质。这一段是瑜伽经典《博伽梵歌》中对完美的瑜伽境界的描述:《博伽梵歌》第六章第20~23 诗节:


Humans 'hardwired for religion'

The battle by scientists against "irrational" beliefs such as creationism is ultimately futile, a leading experimental psychologist said today.

The work of Bruce Hood, a professor at Bristol University, suggests that magical and supernatural beliefs are hardwired into our brains from birth, and that religions are therefore tapping into a powerful psychological force.

"I think it is pointless to think that we can get people to abandon their belief systems because they are operating at such a fundamental level," said Prof Hood. "No amount of rational evidence is going to be taken on board to get people to abandon those ideas."

He told the annual British Association Festival of Science in Norwich that the standard bearers for evolution, such as the biologist Richard Dawkins and the philosopher Daniel Dennet, had adopted a counterproductive and "simplistic" position.

"They have basically said there are two types of people in the world," he said - "those who believe in the supernatural and those who do not. But almost everyone entertains some form of irrational beliefs even if they are not religious.

"For example, many people would be reluctant to part with a wedding ring for an identical ring because of the personal significance it holds. Conversely, many people are disgusted by an object if it has associations with 'evil'."

In his lectures, Prof Hood produces a rather boring-looking blue cardigan with large brown buttons and invites people in the audience to put it on, for a £10 reward. As you may expect, there is invariably a sea of raised hands. He then reveals that the notorious murderer Fred West wore the cardigan. Nearly everyone puts their hand down.

Unfortunately, it is just a stunt: the cardigan is not West's. But it illustrates the way even the most rational of people are can be irrationally made to feel uncomfortable.

Another experiment involves asking subjects to cut up a photograph. When his team then measures their galvanic skin response - ie sweat production, which is what lie-detector tests monitors - there is a jump in the reading. This does not occur when a person destroys an object of less sentimental significance.



飞机在孟买的夜空缓缓降落,从空中看,城市地面上的灯光象一大片铺撒在黑丝绒上的碎钻石,仿佛闪烁着异国生活的神秘之美。我左边坐着一位西装革履领带笔挺的印度绅士,也许是到家的感觉让他觉得抒怀和放松,我们才开始交谈,因为整个飞行过程他都只顾着吃飞机上的坚果小吃,喝红酒,看《欲望都市Sex and City》连续剧,为搞笑情节旁若无人地大笑。我告诉他我们去普内(Pune)的艾扬格瑜伽学院学习瑜伽。他知道我们是中国人以后说很惊讶看见我太太穿着莎丽(sari,印度传统的妇女装束,由一块五米长的布包裹身体而成),也许我太太是飞机上唯一穿莎丽的女士。我猜这种惊讶类似于在上海看见一个老外穿着中式古装出现在街上的感觉。他说他非常思念他的妻子和九岁的女儿,毫不掩饰这种印度人典型的对家庭关系的依恋。这种强烈的依附总是让我微笑并且沉思。家庭似乎是他们生命活动的核心。对家庭观念的重视也是这个文明古国五千年文化沉淀的精髓之一。这和他们的灵性文化传统是不可分割的。从印度的韦达文化的角度来讲,一个文明社会的质量要看它有没有尊重和保护好三种人,即知识分子(婆罗门)、妇女和老人。尊重知识分子意味着尊重文化、知识和智慧,对妇女的保护意味着家庭和社会的安定(一个社会的堕落遭殃的往往首先是妇女),对老人的态度则反映了对传统的尊崇。在古代,国王所代表的权利和阳性力量必须小心翼翼地保护好这三种看似阴柔的力量,因为前者也许能带来繁荣,但后者才是幸福、和平和快乐的真正原因。全世界的印度富豪比比皆是,他们拥有过任何放荡生活的财力,但具我亲身接触和所知,他们大都忠诚地维护家族和家庭传统,并为家人的幸福勤奋地工作。即使生活在西方也平和地和自己年轻时结发的妻子和孩子们生活在一起,回家吃妻子烹调的简单而温馨的食物,甚至和长辈和孩子睡在同一件屋子里。真的,如果你想知道什么是家庭观念和夫妻和睦,就去拜访印度的夫妻。那是一种和好莱坞式的激情完全不同的感觉,那是一种稳定、确信和平和的关系中散发出的淡淡的芬芳,就象一支无风的房间里的烛光。毕竟,回顾一下我自己和我周围的人,任何幸福或不幸不都是从家庭的幸福或不幸开始的吗?隐藏在很多人穷奢极欲的放荡生活背后的,是一颗渴求从童年的家庭不幸和悲伤中得到安慰的破碎、脆弱的心。

我们出关的速度很慢,看来没有谁会着急的样子。旅客中有很多欧美西方人。随着瑜伽世界范围内的盛行,去印度旅行的人越来越多。这里有个常见的误会需要澄清,很多人认为必须去印度,才能学到真正的瑜伽。但这并非真相。真相是,只有当你真诚地向一个真正的瑜伽师学习的时候,才能学到真正的瑜伽。以前这个人可能出现在印度的机率大一点,但现在不一定了。瑜伽应该说是在六十年代开始从印度走向世界的,很多印度的音乐家,文化传播者、瑜伽师和灵性导师开始走出印度,赴欧美旅行,讲学、传道或传教,教授瑜伽、冥想等神秘或灵性的练习,最早的人应该是辨喜(斯瓦米 • 维帷卡南达Swami Vivekananda),他久居英美,是第一个对西方社会产生影响的亚洲人。他可以说预见了瑜伽在全球的兴起,他甚至论证了当时人难以置信的观点:亚洲的文化本质上远远优越于西方文化!至今近半个世纪,瑜伽已成为一种国际性的文化,突破了种族、地域、宗教和时代的界限。B. K. S. 艾扬格被美国《时代》杂志评为全球最有影响力的100个人物之一。整个“新世纪”(new age)运动可以说其实就是由瑜伽精神带动起来的。这种人类文明史上可以说是最古老、最深奥晦涩、最神秘,最不可思议,有时又可以说是最古怪的艺术能在高科技如此发达的二十一世纪得到如此广泛的接纳和认可,真是另人惊讶。从六十年代起的很多知识分子就已经意识到,物质技术上的成就感未必能带来真正的快乐,相反造成的是非人性倾向和灵性上的饥荒,而瑜伽和印度文化的复兴肯定地在某种程度上弥补了这一点,并改变了人们看待世界、看待他人和看待自己的方式。反战、维持和平的意识,环保的意识,健康自然生活方式的意识,素食主义的兴起,文化大同的意识,都和瑜伽的内在精神有着千丝万缕的关系。有如此之多的印度以外的灵性追求者在瑜伽中找到了精神上的归宿,在印度人逐渐接受西方物质文明影响而开始放弃自己的文化的时候,这些“外籍的”瑜伽师却全身心地拥抱了这种古老的传统,他们放弃西方的舒适的生活方式,进入喜马拉雅山,丛林或荒漠中的修院中,象印度古代的圣人那样生活,想要理解除了追求舒适以外,人生还有没有其他更深刻更有意义的体验,其虔诚的程度甚至比印度本土的人有过之而无不及。现在瑜伽界很流行的一句话是:当学生准备好的时候,老师就会出现。在你抱怨没有好的老师的时候,先扪心自问,我是想学习真正的瑜伽并改变我的生活态度吗?我是叶公好龙,在看了几句不负责任的瑜伽广告词和几个商业网站后就人云亦云赶时髦,还是为了在我的减肥计划上多添加一个项目?或者,是为了在我瑜伽教师的履历上添加眩目的一条?我的理解是,无论你是谁,印度人、美国人、欧洲人或中国人,真正的瑜伽离所有的人都一样遥远也一样接近。瑜伽在哪里呢?在这印度的机场,我并没有感觉自己比我在上海自己的公寓里更接近瑜伽。瑜伽的主题是我们和这个宇宙和其中所有生命的和谐统一的关系。这超出了印度的范围,虽然印度养育了瑜伽。太阳从地平线上升起,但我们不会说地平线创造了太阳。其实、真正有智慧的父母都明白他们并不“拥有”自己的孩子,只是永恒的生命力借助父母的身体,以孩子的方式展现在这世界上罢了。虽然瑜伽携带着印度文化、习俗和宗教的种种色彩,就象孩子的长相类似父母,但真正的瑜伽师却超越任何文化、地域或传统的限制,或者说,除非他达到这一超然的境界,他还不是一个完美的瑜伽师。印度作为一个地域,在几千年中孕育了那么多的圣人,圣君和圣哲,他们的各种教诲无非是为了帮助我们摧毁迷惑、愚昧和加诸自身的种种局限和误解,这些愚昧、迷惑和误解正是我们痛苦的根源。

我们推着两个大箱子来到了出口,走入孟买机场的夜色中,天色和气温都很温和怡人。我并不着急地寻找我的名字,马上就看见一个印度年青人手里拿着一张硬纸板上面写着:Mr YULIANG,心中不由得产生一阵对我的老师Christine的感激。Christine是美国人,她是艾扬格瑜伽教师,她当了艾扬格近二十年的学生,她每年去普内至少一次去见艾扬格全家,普内哪条街上有什么小吃她都知道,是她替我从美国打电话预订了从孟买去普内的车辆,她告诉我车辆的牌号、司机的名字和手机号码,还叫我千万不要理睬所有机场拉客的黑车,她甚至还替我预订了普内的旅馆房间和瑜伽学院的课程。她曾在信里对我说,真正的艾扬格瑜伽就三个人在教,B.K.S.艾扬格,他的女儿基塔 • 艾扬格Gita Iyengar,还有他的儿子帕香 • 艾扬格Prashant Iyengar。她对他们全家充满情感和爱戴,并为自己是艾扬格瑜伽家族的一员而感到幸福和自豪。以前她在普内学习时曾写信告诉我她当天学了什么,今天艾扬格在课堂上说了那句话来启发所有的学生,让我不由得心驰神往。






Mystic Yoga Perfections

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam
Canto 11: General History Chapter 15:
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections

SB 11.15.1: The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: My dear Uddhava, the mystic perfections of yoga are acquired by a yogī who has conquered his senses, steadied his mind, conquered the breathing process and fixed his mind on Me.

SB 11.15.2: Śrī Uddhava said: My dear Lord Acyuta, by what process can mystic perfection be achieved, and what is the nature of such perfection? How many mystic perfections are there? Please explain these things to me. Indeed, You are the bestower of all mystic perfections.

SB 11.15.3: The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: The masters of the yoga system have declared that there are eighteen types of mystic perfection and meditation, of which eight are primary, having their shelter in Me, and ten are secondary, appearing from the material mode of goodness.

SB 11.15.4-5: Among the eight primary mystic perfections, the three by which one transforms one's own body are aṇimā, becoming smaller than the smallest; mahimā, becoming greater than the greatest; and laghimā, becoming lighter than the lightest. Through the perfection of prāpti one acquires whatever one desires, and through prākāmya-siddhi one experiences any enjoyable object, either in this world or the next. Through iśitā-siddhi one can manipulate the subpotencies of māyā, and through the controlling potency called vaśitā-siddhi one is unimpeded by the three modes of nature. One who has acquired kāmāvasāyitā-siddhi can obtain anything from anywhere, to the highest possible limit. My dear gentle Uddhava, these eight mystic perfections are considered to be naturally existing and unexcelled within this world.

SB 11.15.6-7: The ten secondary mystic perfections arising from the modes of nature are the powers of freeing oneself from hunger and thirst and other bodily disturbances, hearing and seeing things far away, moving the body at the speed of the mind, assuming any form one desires, entering the bodies of others, dying when one desires, witnessing the pastimes between the demigods and the celestial girls called Apsarās, completely executing one's determination and giving orders whose fulfillment is unimpeded.

SB 11.15.8-9: The power to know past, present and future; tolerance of heat, cold and other dualities; knowing the minds of others; checking the influence of fire, sun, water, poison, and so on; and remaining unconquered by others — these constitute five perfections of the mystic process of yoga and meditation. I am simply listing these here according to their names and characteristics. Now please learn from Me how specific mystic perfections arise from specific meditations and also of the particular processes involved.

SB 11.15.10: One who worships Me in My atomic form pervading all subtle elements, fixing his mind on that alone, obtains the mystic perfection called aṇimā.

SB 11.15.11: One who absorbs his mind in the particular form of the mahat-tattva and thus meditates upon Me as the Supreme Soul of the total material existence achieves the mystic perfection called mahimā. By further absorbing the mind in the situation of each individual element such as the sky, air, fire, and so on, one progressively acquires the greatness of each material element.

SB 11.15.12: I exist within everything, and I am therefore the essence of the atomic constituents of material elements. By attaching his mind to Me in this form, the yogī may achieve the perfection called laghimā, by which he realizes the subtle atomic substance of time.

SB 11.15.13: Fixing his mind completely in Me within the element of false ego generated from the mode of goodness, the yogī obtains the power of mystic acquisition, by which he becomes the proprietor of the senses of all living entities. He obtains such perfection because his mind is absorbed in Me.

SB 11.15.14: One who concentrates all mental activities in Me as the Supersoul of that phase of the mahat-tattva which manifests the chain of fruitive activities obtains from Me, whose appearance is beyond material perception, the most excellent mystic perfection called prākāmya.

SB 11.15.15: One who places his consciousness on Viṣṇu, the Supersoul, the prime mover and Supreme Lord of the external energy consisting of three modes, obtains the mystic perfection of controlling other conditioned souls, their material bodies and their bodily designations.

SB 11.15.16: The yogī who places his mind in My form of Nārāyaṇa, known as the fourth factor, full of all opulences, becomes endowed with My nature and thus obtains the mystic perfection called vaśitā.

SB 11.15.17: One who fixes his pure mind on Me in My manifestation as the impersonal Brahman obtains the greatest happiness, wherein all his desires are completely fulfilled.

SB 11.15.18: A human being who concentrates on Me as the upholder of religious principles, the personification of purity and the Lord of Śvetadvīpa obtains the pure existence in which he is freed from the six waves of material disturbance, namely hunger, thirst, decay, death, grief and illusion.

SB 11.15.19: That purified living entity who fixes his mind on the extraordinary sound vibrations occurring within Me as the personified sky and total life air is then able to perceive within the sky the speaking of all living entities.

SB 11.15.20: Merging one's sight into the sun planet and then the sun planet into one's eyes, one should meditate on Me as existing within the combination of sun and vision; thus one acquires the power to see any distant thing.

SB 11.15.21: The yogī who completely absorbs his mind in Me, and who then makes use of the wind that follows the mind to absorb the material body in Me, obtains through the potency of meditation on Me the mystic perfection by which his body immediately follows his mind wherever it goes.

SB 11.15.22: When the yogī, applying his mind in a certain way, desires to assume a particular form, that very form immediately appears. Such perfection is possible by absorbing the mind in the shelter of My inconceivable mystic potency, by which I assume innumerable forms.

SB 11.15.23: When a perfect yogī desires to enter another's body, he should meditate upon himself within the other body, and then, giving up his own gross body, he should enter the other's body through the pathways of air, as easily as a bee leaves one flower and flies into another.

SB 11.15.24: The yogī who has achieved the mystic perfection called svacchanda-mṛtyu blocks the anus with the heel of the foot and then lifts the soul from the heart to the chest, to the neck and finally to the head. Situated within the brahma-randhra, the yogī then gives up his material body and guides the spirit soul to the selected destination.

SB 11.15.25: The yogi who desires to enjoy in the pleasure gardens of the demigods should meditate on the purified mode of goodness, which is situated within Me, and then the heavenly women, generated from the mode of goodness, will approach him in airplanes.

SB 11.15.26: A yogi who has faith in Me, absorbing his mind in Me and knowing that My purpose is always fulfilled, will always achieve his purpose by the very means he has determined to follow.

SB 11.15.27: A person who perfectly meditates on Me acquires My nature of being the supreme ruler and controller. His order, like Mine, can never be frustrated by any means.

SB 11.15.28: A yogī who has purified his existence by devotion to Me and who thus expertly knows the process of meditation obtains knowledge of past, present and future. He can therefore see the birth and death of himself and others.

SB 11.15.29: Just as the bodies of aquatics cannot be injured by water, similarly, the body of a yogi whose consciousness is pacified by devotion to Me and who is fully developed in yoga science cannot be injured by fire, sun, water, poison, and so forth.

SB 11.15.30: My devotee becomes unconquerable by meditating on My opulent incarnations, which are decorated with Śrīvatsa and various weapons and are endowed with imperial paraphernalia such as flags, ornamental umbrellas and fans.

SB 11.15.31: A learned devotee who worships Me through yoga meditation certainly obtains in all respects the mystic perfections that I have described.

SB 11.15.32: For a sage who has conquered his senses, breathing and mind, who is self-controlled and always absorbed in meditation on Me, what mystic perfection could possibly be difficult to achieve?

SB 11.15.33: Learned experts in devotional service state that the mystic perfections of yoga that I have mentioned are actually impediments and are a waste of time for one who is practicing the supreme yoga, by which one achieves all perfection in life directly from Me.

SB 11.15.34: Whatever mystic perfections can be achieved by good birth, herbs, austerities and mantras can all be achieved by devotional service to Me; indeed, one cannot achieve the actual perfection of yoga by any other means.

SB 11.15.35: My dear Uddhava, I am the cause, the protector and the Lord of all mystic perfections, of the yoga system, of analytic knowledge, of pure activity and of the community of learned Vedic teachers.

SB 11.15.36: Just as the same material elements exist within and outside of all material bodies, similarly, I cannot be covered by anything else. I exist within everything as the Supersoul and outside of everything in My all-pervading feature.


Adho Mukha Svanasana on block 支撑住头部和脚跟的下犬式

圣哲帕檀伽里在他的《瑜伽经》中只给了体位练习一个心理学上的定义,即应该有稳定、清晰、宁静和内在喜悦的品质,sthira sukham asanam 换句话说,我们在练习中之所以不厌其烦地摆出种种姿势,其实是为了达成一个心理学上的目标和培养出一种内在的品质罢了,这些姿势本身并非目的。因此在做一个姿势的时候我们内心的体验比外表看上去如何更重要,当然一个瑜伽导师确实是会根据一个人身体的状态去判断他的学生是否放松,但目的仍是了解内在而非外在。舞蹈则相反,观众或评委看上去如何,比我现在的脚趾是否钻心的疼痛更重要,身体比心灵重要。外在比内在重要。因此瑜伽不是舞蹈的一种。因此瑜伽从来就不是用来表演的,那些所谓的表演啊竞赛啊都是些门外汉的把戏或商业策略罢了。古代的瑜伽师是在没有人的森林里为觉悟自我而修习瑜伽。








Mr Iyengar the beautiful

It is so extraordinary that an old man like him so full or energy, intelligence and beauty.






--《先死而死》,H. H. Bhakti Tirtha Swami

我们在生活中做的一切都等于零, 除非我们做的事情和解答下面三个问题有关:


如果世界上没有手,就不会有手套;如果我们不需要充饥,便没有食物存在的必要; 如果没有答案,就不会有疑问。鸟之所以有翅膀,因为他的生命意味着飞翔,如果存在的一切都是合理的,那么我的带着智慧的生命,便意味着这些对自我的觉悟。在一个真正的瑜伽师的眼中,整个世界就是问题和答案,就是他练习的场所。只有当你试图真诚地解决这些问题时,你的瑜伽才算开始。



Invocation to Sri Pantanjiali

这是我每次上课开始时唱诵的两段曼佗罗, 是对圣哲帕檀伽里的致敬词。想学习的朋友可以跟着下面Iyengar本人的唱诵学。



yogena cittasya padena vacam
malam sarirasya ca vaidyakena
yopakarottam pravaram muninam
patanjalim pranjaliranato smi

abahu purusakaram
sankha cakrasi dharinam
sahasra sirasam svetam
pranamami patanjalim

hari aum

Let us bow before the noblest of sages Patanjali,
who gave yoga for serenity and sanctity of mind,
grammar for clarity and purity of speech and
medicine for perfection of health.

Let us prostrate before Patanjali, an incarnation of Adisesa,
whose upper body has a human form,
whose arms hold a conch and a disc, and
who is crowned by a thousand-headed cobra.


Uttanasana 站立前曲伸展式

ASANA 体位练习的定义是:身体的稳定、心智的清晰和内在的喜悦。

要点:Uttanasana 的身体重心并非均匀地分布在脚掌上,而是在脚掌的前端,脚跟只是轻轻地贴在地面上,并不承受太大压力。尾骨往上指,感受臀骨上升离开脚跟的同时让脊椎和背部象瀑布一样倾泻放松下来,头顶对着地面,脖子、面部、手臂、肩膀尽量放松。在均匀呼吸时平静地打开胸腔和肋骨的两侧。保持1~3分钟。

What is our difficulties?

Our difficulties of the moment must always be dealt with somehow, but our permanent difficulties are difficulties of every moment.

----T.S. Eliot

Our permanent difficulties are birth, death, old age and disease. We are living and yet dying at same time every moment, most of us, however, are only dealing with the difficulties of the moment of the living part, so the difficulties of the moment of the dying part are forgotten or neglected, and they become the permanent difficulties of the living part, too.

Yoga is actually the art of dealing with living and dying at same time. We are not just dealing with the body, breath, energy and mind for the sake of keeping them fit so they stay forever, but to understand all the physical emotional mental problems and difficulties are due to our forgetfulness of our eternal divine nature. This is the permanent difficulties. Yoga practice is to purify ourself to such an extend that our spiritual identity is revealed. (tadaa drashtuh svaroope avasthaanam, Yoga Sutra 1. 3) As long as we remain ignorant of our spiritual nature and identify with the temorary body and mind, we will suffer and never solve their problems.


什么是艾扬格瑜伽 Iyengar Yoga?

艾扬格瑜伽是以世界知名的印度瑜伽大师B.K.S. Iyengar所传授的古典瑜伽为基础的瑜伽体系。此系统对整个现代瑜伽界甚至更广泛的领域都具有巨大而深刻的影响力。艾扬格瑜伽以其精确严谨的肢体定位,安全而循序渐进的练习程序,瑜伽工具的使用闻名遐迩。





virabhadrasana I/warrior pose I/战士一式

Never emphasize enough the importance of the rear leg and foot. Be strong and aware of them as much as you can, even you can not see. But you have your internal eyes. The whole structure is on the rear leg and foot. Only then the decending of the groins and the acending of the arms possible.



In a garden of Suzhou 苏州园林

In a garden of Suzhou

The traditional gardens in Suzhou are just totally sattvic, in the mode of Goodness.
那一刻,我的心是那样恬静和闲适,并为所有处于这一闲适中的花鸟鱼虫小生命而感到喜悦。苏州园林是为“善良属性”sattva guna而创造的。另外两种属性,或guna是:激情属性raja guna和愚昧属性tama guna。

Untitled 无题

Water color and ballpen on paper 纸面水彩,圆珠笔

显而易见,这种风格是模仿瑞士的艺术家保罗克里Paul Klee的。我有一两年完全是在学他,想获得他的天真、忧郁和神秘的诗意。抹去立体和深度,只是表达对色彩的敏感性,制造些故弄玄虚的小暗示,追求画面节奏的统一和结构的音乐性。





答:我和我哥哥的童年都是在我母亲严厉的约束下学习音乐中度过的,这是我母亲对于我们的希望,但只有我哥哥实现了她的期望,他现在还在纽约继续当他的音乐家,他是一个很好的大提琴手。所以我也是从五岁开始学小提琴,这是因为大提琴对一个五岁的孩子来说太大了。那时我母亲拿着一把裁缝量尺寸的竹尺监督我练琴,我不记得我挨打或哭过多少次。后来我回想其实我心里是爱音乐的,但因为它所需要的机械训练使我受苦,我便自然会有抵触。从本质上说我不是那种非常刻苦勤奋的人。这样一直到初中,我的兴趣转到了绘画上面,也许这时我母亲也已经疲倦了,她尊重我的兴趣,找了老师让我学习绘画。后来我进了上海大学美术学院,毕业后当了教美术设计的老师。有意思的是在美术学院里我又想改当诗人。你看,我想很多人都熟悉这种年轻时的浮躁。在孩子还小的时候,他们无法为自己做选择,所以父母为孩子做选择是对的,但孩子大一点以后就应该尊重孩子的选择。现在我明白我童年在音乐当中受的苦都没有白费,实际上没有任何努力会白费,即便我们没有立刻看到成果。 我们所有的行为、努力或欲望都会在我们的心田里播下种子,然后会在以后的某个时刻以某种意想不到的形式重新出现在我们的生命中。我想我在艺术方面的背景使我更好地理解了瑜伽当中的“无为”、或非功利性,瑜伽是当之无愧的艺术,从绘画和音乐的本质上来说,艺术是非功利性的。“无为”的意思并不是什么也不用做,而是你在做的时候并不渴望占有或享受你的成果,而且在你的活动没有结果的时候,你也继续做你该做的事情,认真地完成你的职责。在佛教和瑜伽哲学当中都有的“业报或因果”概念无非是指,当我们出于利己的功利性的动机去做任何事情的时候,就产生了业报,而其结果无论好坏,都是一种对自我的束缚,因此瑜伽提倡的是把行为和活动当作一种对他人的服务来做,当作自我的净化的过程来做,这就是“业瑜伽 karma yoga”的概念。


答:是的,可以这样说,她希望我继承她的事业,以后有工作,等等,这些都是功利性的。但是由于我当时很小,我没有功利性的态度,而且音乐的美本身也是非功利性的。所以我对音乐的非功利性态度一直保持到现在,而且我在瑜伽的唱诵中发现了音乐和瑜伽之间的关系。对声音(曼陀罗)或音乐的专注和冥想,Nada Yoga,是瑜伽中高层次的练习。所以,我们引申说下去的话,一个人即使带着功利性的态度开始练习瑜伽也没有害处,应当受到鼓励。恐怕百分之九十九的人都是出于功利性的目的开始瑜伽的,但在一段时间以后,如果你非常认真地练习,而且够聪明的话就会意识到,瑜伽能给予我们的远远超出身体上的好处。其实,身体的轻盈,心情的放松,精力的旺盛等等只是瑜伽的益处的开端,或副产品而已。大多数人就只能停留在这一步,但如果所有人包括老师都停留在这一步的话,那实际上并不存在什么yoga,而只有bhoga(享乐)。在瑜伽中,身体的训练是为精神的/灵性的训练服务的,而这意味着摆脱享乐的执着和蒙蔽。生命有比“舒适”更深刻的体验。我们这个时代,至少目前在中国,最可悲的就是对瑜伽不求甚解,随便就把瑜伽归类为一种特别的减肥术,或是一种躯体上的摆弄和柔软,如果你的身体是僵硬的你就和瑜伽无缘。在所有的杂志,报纸,灯箱,电视,广告中,所谓的瑜伽师们纷纷竭尽所能做出令人膛目结舌,匪夷所思的高难度自虐姿势,以便吓倒大众。即便从市场的角度,我仍然不明白这背后是什么策略。这是一个荒唐幼稚的恶性循环,首先是瑜伽教师自己缺乏足够的知识和自信,认为必须要用高难度的姿势来吓唬学生和大众才有安全感,而学生从中得到的是对瑜伽非常扭曲的理解和印象,这反过来使市场需求那些符合这扭曲印象的老师,因此这又迫使所有的老师变得更扭曲。其结果让瑜伽变成一种可悲,令人生厌和疲惫不堪的东西。

问: 那么你所谓的瑜伽更深层次的好处是什么呢? 瑜伽的目的到底是什么呢?

答: 瑜伽是个梵文词, 意思是连接,结合,这意味着建立或者说恢复一种失落了的关系,而在这种关系中,我们和自身、他人和环境处在一种真实的,完整的,和谐的生命状态中。这种状态不是外加的而是我们本有的东西,只是给躯体化/物质化的知觉蒙蔽了。在帕檀迦利的《瑜伽经》一开始,他就解释说瑜伽是一种对我们的知觉和意识的控制,以使我们的内心变得平和纯净,这样我们就能生活在真实的、灵性的自我中,否则我们的心就注定会为物所转,为境所迷,为情所困,为苦乐所惑。这种对自我的迷惑就是生命痛苦的本质,而所谓痛苦就是由这种迷惑导致的种种表现和挣扎。一切痛苦的根源是对自我的愚昧。这几千年前写下的教导仍适用于今天。因为科技的发达并未消除痛苦,今天的人失恋时仍然和一千年前失恋时一样痛苦。现代的生活是如此忙碌和复杂,实际上在这个时代,大多数人并没有在“生活”,而只是“谋生”。谋生和生活有天壤之别。教育绝大多数教你的只是如何谋生的知识,也就是如何击败别人的知识,而不是如何生活,如何爱护别人的知识。其结果便是苦闷和不快乐。你有没有注意一下地铁高峰时段的人的表情?一天还未开始,他们个个都拉长了脸,想着今天要面对的搏斗和挣扎。而瑜伽教你的是如何用和谐的方式去生活,体位的练习是训练如何首先和自己的身体、四肢、呼吸和专注力保持和谐的关系。但这只是一个开始 然后就是对心灵/心意的控制,这才是瑜伽练习的核心,也是自我转变的手段。除非我们愿意净化自我,否则要改善我们的人际关系和生活是不可能的。每个人都在等待别人改变,等待男友会更爱我,等待太太变得更温柔,等待孩子变得更听话更有出息,等待老板变得更善解人意,这种对他人赐予的幸福的等待恰恰使我们失去幸福和自由。









有质量的联谊最为重要。得到了高质量的联谊,我们就总是在学习或教导一些东西。这样的联谊建基于与那些也下决心中止生老病死轮回的人联谊。有了高质量的联谊,我们便能理解,正如有生命,同样也有死亡。我们在活动时,便能理解生命乃是为了自我觉悟,而对于物质与物质躯体而言不可避免的死亡,与灵魂其实是无关的。 我们必须先死而后生!这一领悟来自于我们接受所有物质的毁灭和消亡的必然性。然后,我们就能荣耀正在和已经发生的死亡,知道这能准备通往永恒生命的道路。




H H Bhakti Tirth Swami Maharaj

Die Before Dying

Just as there is life, there is death. Someone or something takes birth, grows, stays for some time, deteriorates, and then dies. Another name for birth is death. One cannot live without the other, meaning that when someone is born, some will soon die (as most species do not live very long); and when someone dies, someone is soon born. Everyone and everything in its normal state wants to live as long as possible—eternally. Eternality, however, is not associated with matter, but is a spiritual affair. Death to matter and to our material bodies is inevitable, but if we master the science of dying before dying, we will connect with that which is eternal—our soul and its home in the spiritual world. After all, death is to remove everything false and secondary.

My mother often used to say; “Give me my flowers while I can still see them.” As a child, I thought of it as strange, but as an adult, I saw it as a sign of wisdom. My mother understood the body to be transient and she celebrated life—the “now”—realizing one must show their love and affection for life at every moment. Our life or the lives of others will be taken away in the near future. If we live with proper preparation and detachment, we will master the science of dying before dying to connect with the soul and its home—the spiritual world. After all, death is to remove everything false and secondary.

When we die before dying, we put first things first. The activities that nourish our souls and help us detach from the illusion and confusion of material culture are our priorities. Since we know that life is meant to prepare for a glorious death, we can live each day as if it is our last. There is no time to waste on irrelevant, superfluous activities. Even when we must give time to somewhat superficial things, it must be done in a way that enhances the primary, significant involvements. If we live with proper preparation and detachment, we will master the science of dying before dying to connect with the soul and its home—the spiritual world. After all, death is to remove everything false and secondary.

People have cheated, disappointed, lied to, manipulated, and even abused us. When we reflect on each experience, it is as it we relive it again. Such experiences have shaped us in various ways. Many of these abusers and c heaters have traumatized us. In some cases, they have scarred us for life. The normal position is for the hurt or abused to seek revenge and severely punish the offender. It is easy to do, but will not fully resolve the problem. What is important is to address such problems with forgiveness. If we live with proper preparation and detachment, we will master the science of dying before dying to connect with the soul and its home-- the spiritual world. After all, death is to remove everything false and secondary.

Most people have special people they would like to meet, places they would like to visit, and experiences they would like to have. When we associate with important people, it makes us more important, at least in the eyes of others. When we can travel to many exciting places, life seems to be more adventurous. Most important, when we can have many exciting experiences, life seems more meaningful. We are all pleasure seekers and are always eager to experience pleasure, but the true spiritualist does not get overwhelmed by these concerns, for he understand the temporary and even illusory nature of the world. If we live with proper preparation and detachment, we will master the science of dying before dying to connect with the soul and its home-- the spiritual world. After all, death is to remove everything false and secondary.

Sometimes we are so busy doing things for those we love that we don't have time to be with them, show them, or tell them how much we love them. Sometimes others are so busy doing things for us that they also have no time to be with us, show us, or tell us how much they love us. However, if we truly understand how this life is a preparation for death, we will always make time to give and receive love.

When someone dies, much of the sadness comes from a lack of sufficient closure in the relationships. There is something we wanted to tell them or do with them, and there is something they wanted to tell us or do with us. Each of us had a tendency to procrastinate on the important opportunities and moments. Especially when a person lives solely for eating, sleeping, mating and defending, or when the person is captured by a very strong false ego, there is a tendency to miss opportunities to be fully present. The person misses the chance to say or do what will best honor other people’s highest needs and blocks the chance for others to honor his or her needs.

Quality association is most important. Where there is quality association, we are always learning something or teaching something. Such association is based on being with those who also are determined to end the cycle of birth, disease, old age and death. With quality association, we understand that just as there is life, there is death. We act with the knowledge that life is for self-realization, and that death, which is inevitable for matter and the material body, is not associated with the soul. We must die to live! That comes as we accept the inevitability of destruction and elimination of all matter. We can then honor the deaths that have happened and those that are manifesting, knowing that they can prepare the way for eternal life.

The true spiritualist profoundly appreciates my mother’s statement, “Give me my flowers while I can see them” Once they body is gone, the soul departs for its new encounter; therefore, it is important to say and do whatever is best for everyone now! Where we have made offenses, we must stop and ask for forgiveness now! While we have people to meet, places to visit, and experiences to have, we must put first things first, understanding the differences between what is temporary and what is eternal now! We must allow every day of our lives to represent healthy closure now! We are most natural when we live for love because all of our associations will be quality associations in which we share our compassion, determination and realizations, and receive the same from others.

This is the technology of how to celebrate life now and live with proper preparation and detachment, so that we will master the science of dying before dying to connect with the soul and its home—the spiritual world! After all, death is to remove everything false and secondary.

I am that lowly beggar who is desperately trying to die before dying.

H H Bhakti Tirth Swami Maharaj

The Spirit of Kirtan

There is no right or wrong way to sing kirtan. Kirtan can be
breathtakingly beautiful, the music can be stunning and masterful; and
it can be cacophonous, dissonant, and almost painful to the ears.
Aesthetics don't matter. All that matters is the spirit, the
feeling. Don't worry about what you sound like, feel whatever you feel,
have no expectations, no inhibitions. Kirtan is an oil well
digging deeper and deeper into the heart. A power tool of love and
longing. A train carrying us home. Make these kirtans your own prayers
and use their power to set fire to your own soul. We sing together
and each person has a totally unique, individual experience. Yet by
singing together we give strength, safety and passion to each
other, and give ourselves permission to sing and dance freely,
releasing and expressing through our voices and bodies, the emotions
tightly locked in our hearts. The pain of separation is one with the
bliss of Union.

Kirtan is a vessel that can hold love, longing, union, separation,
lust, despair, mourning, anger, hate, sadness, ecstasy, and oneness.
Powered by the fire of these emotions, the chants of Bhakti become
like a ship, singing us to the other shore. In lightness, in
darkness, in despair, in joy we sing the names-- The Name -- and turn
our human hearts toward the One, who is closer to us than our own
breath. Kirtan is food for the spirit, a life raft of song.

Source unknown




The Circus of Yoga 瑜伽和杂耍(英)

Throughout my years of practicing yoga, when people found out about my practice, their first question usually was if I “can put my foot around my neck”.
One easily can get the idea by looking at the yoga magazines, studio brochures, the endless yoga-themed commercials or through surfing the web, that the ultimate aim of yoga is in fact to bring your leg around your neck. It’s about getting the rubber body.
In the old days the most prominent feature of a yogi who immersed himself in the higher practice of yoga was his powerful eyes; looking through you, drawing your attention to existence which may be experienced beyond the form of the body.
Today you meet endless images of lovely yogis and yoginis from all ages, cultures and styles, with their legs rapped around their neck as their smiling eyes seem to say “I reached the Everest of yoga”. In many ways it is a process very similar to that of getting to the top of the Everest.
You go through long practice and training which starts with the ambitions of the ego.
As you climb the mountain of Yoga towards the goal of achieving the most obscure body postures you face a high risk of getting injured. Knees, hips, sciatica, compressed spine etc and ending with over loose joints. There is always a risk of never achieving the goal (because of skeletal structure, scar tissue etc) what may lead to a great disappointment and a feeling of being a failure.
The question is “When finally we fulfill the desire of the mind, and our foot is hanging around our neck….. then what?” Has the leg around the neck freed us from suffering? Is it helping us to master our mind? Are we acting with no reacting? Is the wrapping of the leg around the neck engaging us with our higher self to become the ultimate observer who knows that we are not this body? Is the heel close enough to our brain free us from the fear of death?
What are the reasons for the western yoga teachers identifying their abilities with the performance of the body? Is it because we have nothing wise to say from our an authentic experience? So instead, we show off our physical form as we often do outside the yoga studio setting. Is it because we are so programmed to identify with our body as who we are, that we apply it to our spiritual practice instead of applying the wisdom of the spiritual path to our life?
Or maybe after we started our yoga practice, our ego got so mesmerized by the body performance, that we forgot why we started the practice from the beginning.
The practice of the yoga asanas (posters) is for the purpose of maintenance our body so it is in a good health, is free of toxins and blockages so prana energy can flow through and widen our perception towards life and existence. The body is a great vehicle for us to use through the spiritual journey.
When people buy a car to take them to different destinations, they take care of the car so it is stays in a good shape and it is safe to travel in. Some people get obsessed with their car, blurring the definition between the object and themselves. Fully identified with the car’s look and performance, they start buying gadgets for it, investing time into it, while the car becomes a source of their pride, worries, attachments and suffering. The body is the vehicle for the self do not confuse it with the self.
In closing, think about it, “If an extremely flexible body is in fact the aim of the ancient yoga then we should all be worshipping the teenage contortionists in Cirque de Soleil.

shakti mhi











Shakti mhi
夏克提 麦

哲学命题 1~philosophical 1~意志的表象和超灵



图:恒河 玛亚蒲 印度 2005 摄影:Candravali D.D