
A timeless realm 唱诵——超越时间的王国

Just come and sit down and chant, allow the power of chanting to
do the rest, it will come to you and then take you away, just open you
heart and allow that happen! let go of the whole world, let go of your
ego and anxiety, at least for that hour.

Meditation is not a psychological game to make you feel good about
yourself. It is a tool to connect to our spiritual identity. The ecstasy of
chanting is the Revelation of your eternal blissful nature which
transcendent the chronological and psychological time. The night of
chanting is to step into the timeless spiritual realm in the form of

The best thing in life is Free. Open to all and bring your friends, the
only thing you have to pay is: your attention!

Location: Jivatma Yoga Center, Room C-D, 28F, Hui Jia Building,
Xujiahui, No41 Cao Xi Bei Rd(behind Gino Italian Resturant)
Time: 7pm Saturday, May 26
Contact:(021)54904413 54900261



联系电话:(021)54904413 54900261
