
A letter to my frind Chrys and The Rationality of Vegetarainism Part I

Dear Chrys,

i just wrote an article in Chinese on my blog called: The Irrationality of Vegetarianism. i didn't put any logical scientific thing, but just described how a vege diet can be a taste of a new life, coz life doesn't need to be "right" in a scientific way to be worthy or wonderful. People are doing so many crazy things just to make themself happy without considering any consequence, but when they were told to be a vegetarian, they immediately want to be scientific. We are nothing to do with the mechanism of this body. Life is an beginning-less and endless song to be sung by those who dare to be different and musical in their behaviour, because this is what people really afraid of knowingly or unknowingly, behind a diet: a related new life which is challenging to their habits, getting rid of the old, be out of their comfortable zone, isolation, etc, and they will find endless excuses to not listen to the voice and the melody of their heart and soul.

In my mind an article called The Rationality of the Vegetarianism will follow up the first one, and just then you sent your article today. I am sure the Universal Mind (paramatma) told you to do that :-)

i wish you again a happy new year and may the universal music playing beautifully in your heart. Thank you so much!

om shanti

your friend forever

Singer Sir Paul McCartney:
"If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be a vegetarian."

"If anyone wants to save the planet, all they have to do is just stop eating meat. That's the single most important thing you could do. It's staggering when you think about it. Vegetarianism takes care of so many things in one shot: ecology, famine, cruelty."

Albert Einstein The great scientist Albert Einstein:
"Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances of survival of life of Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet."

The great Russian author Leo Tolstoy:
"This is dreadful! Not only the suffering and death of the animals, but by eating meat man suppresses in himself, unnecessarily, the highest spiritual capacity – that of sympathy and pity towards living creatures like himself – and by violating his own feelings, becomes cruel."

Carl Lewis

Hippocrates, the father of medicine:
"Your food shall be your remedies, and your remedies shall be your food".

Some Famous Vegetarians

Plato, Socrates, Pythagoras, Leonardo da Vinci, Vincent Van Gogh, Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin, Voltaire, Leo Tolstoy, H.G. Wells, Benjamin Franklin, Mahatma Gandhi, Richard Wagner, Paul McCartney, Tobey Maguire, Natalie Portman, Alicia Silverstone, Albert Schweitzer, Dalai Lama, Rabindranath Tagore, George Bernard Shaw, Carl Lewis, Martina Navratilova, and the list goes on...

5 条评论:

Shan 说...






Susan 说...


Yama 说...


Shan 说...


Yama 说...

shan, 我的意思是说, 没有莫名其妙发生的事, 那都是一种积累, 即便我们忘了或没有看到那种积累, 或认为没有道理可讲. 至少, 我的观点是这样的.